
Single Entry

  • Single entries only available for experienced climbers that have passed the in house belay test or have successfully completed the in house induction course.
  • U18s must be accompanied by an experienced adult.
  • The registration fee is a once off payment. Any experienced climber wishing to return to the centre must pay registration fee. This does not include taster sessions or inductions.
Single Entry (Experienced)Equipment Hire
Adult€14.00Chalk Bag€2.50
Bouldering€11.00Belay Plate€2.50
U18 (with experienced adult)€11.00Shoes€4.50
Students and Seniors€11.00Harness€4.00
Registration Fee€10.00Lead Rope€10.00
Over 70s Free


    • Full membership includes access to ropes, bouldering and training room for adults and students.
    • Bouldering membership includes access to bouldering and training room only.
    • Full membership for U18s includes access to ropes and bouldering under experienced adult supervision. Training room access is not allowed.
    • Students must have valid student card.
    • Family membership is for 2 adults and 2 U18s.
AdultFamilySeniors/Student/U18s/ Bouldering
1 month€80
3 months€220€400€160
6 months€350€750€270
Annual €600